Plot Summary:

The story revolves around Hughie Erskine, a handsome but financially struggling young man who tried everything to become rich but now lives on £200 a year. He is in Love with Laura Merton and wants to marry her. However Laura’s Father insists on £10.000 before he can consent to their marriage. Hughie visits his artist friend Alan, who is painting a portrait of a begger. Moved by the beggar’s pith full appearance, Hughie gives him a sovereign despite his own limited means. he twist comes when it is revealed that the beggar is actually a wealthy baron, Baron Hausberg, who later rewards Hughie with a wedding gift £10.000.

I found very interesting story i never read short storys but it told a story really quickly without loosing your attention. Just like a tiktok or youtube short. The moral of the story is that if you are kind to other people that it will pay back. Just like how Hughie gave the phew coins in his pocket to the Barron who was dressed as a begger. And he gave him a reward for his kindness. So the moral of the story: “In the end, the true value of kindness is revealed in the most unexpected ways.”
